Golam Mahmud Rafi


A dynamic professional with 3+ years of experience in Software Development under various projects.

Considerable exposure in:

Entire software development
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
Release Management - B2B Integrations
Offshore Development Operations
Team Building and Leadership

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It is a free application to download directly to your Tablet or Smartphone the ARASAAC symbols library.

Symbols for Autisms Free (Piktosaac) is not an interactive App. If you are not familiar with the world of Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Education, Augmentative Communication etc., please do not download the App.

This is a resource for teachers, parents, specialists and therapists of people with special educational needs.

The APP simply downloads more than 10.000 symbols of Arasaac from our server to your device. To do not depend on internet connection in the future.


1) Simply select your preferred language and download the symbols library.

2) Check in your notifications; download progress bar will appear.

3) A folder "Home / Piktosaac / ... " will be created in your Tablet.

ATTENTION: The process can may take several minutes, thousands of images will be downloaded.

Be patient :-) please.

Pictographic symbols used are a property of CATEDU(http://catedu.es/arasaac /) under Creative Common’s License and they have been created by Sergio Palao.


PiktoPlus 3.0.
Augmentative Communication System (AAC) with 3D and 2D symbols; for people with Autism and others with communication disorders.

PiktoPlus helps to improve the communication, as well as facilitates the emergence of the oral language. Especially for people with autism and others with communication disorders.

If you are tired of looking at different low quality Apps . . .
If you are a mom or dad and you want to find a communication system that will help your child with autism . . .
If you are a speech therapist and you want a professional augmentative communication system for your workplace . . .
If you are a teacher and still have questions about how to integrate technology and augmentative communication in the classroom . . .

We assure you that PiktoPlus is a complete program designed to help users, families and professionals. Behind PiktoPlus we are an excellent team of professionals (Therapists and Engineers), constantly developing the App and supporting our customers.

We offer the technical support that you need.

For any inquiries, please contact at limbika@limbika.com

PiktoPlus has been designed and it is aimed at both children and adults. It is specially designed for people with autism, but also for people with Cerebral Palsy, Acquired Brain Injury (Stroke), Down syndrome and anyone with communication difficulties.

The users create an Avatar in PiktoPlus, then the 3D symbols become with the look of the Avatar, helping the user to identify and pay more attention in the learning and communication processes. Especially for those children with difficulties focusing and sustaining the attention, as may occur in Autism.

For a long time we have designed, tested and improved PiktoPlus through the collaboration of the end-users, the families and the professionals.

About PiktoPlus:

Integrates a set of thousands of symbols.

Allows you to easily import external photos, images and symbol.

Allows multiple users to use the same application (as may occur in a school).

Integrates a scheduling (Calendar) system that shows the activities automatically (alarm on) during the day.

Allows you to edit and use communication boards very quickly.

Allows you to change the audio and the text of the symbols quickly. As well as background color, actions, links etc...

Allows you to use several boards within many symbols, mini-boards and sub-boards.

Integrates an accessibility system for people with limited mobility (as may occur in Cerebral Palsy).

Integrate a system that automatically conjugate verbs.


Literallcy is an application co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Commission.

Literaalcy is the result of the interdisciplinary work of teachers, engineers, speech therapists and occupational therapists.

Literaalcy doesn´t content exercises ready to use, Literallcy is an adaptative contents builder that allows to create, share and edit exercises for each student in 6 ways:

1) Correct answers.
2) Categorizations.
3) Associations.
4) Reading (basic voice recognition)
5) Writing
6) Sequencing

Teachers and parents must be technically trained to be able to create contents. Literallcy is a powerful builder tool.

The goal is to gradually create a community that shares the exercises in a reciprocal way, so that we will grow all together.

Any profit as trainings not authorized by the consortium or indirect sales of the application will be denounced directly to the European commission.

For any additional information, please kindly write to literallcy@limbika.com


Android Application, Calendar, Internal sharing system  
Through the Application an autistic child can perform their daily tasks by themselves. This application is based on Java with SQlite database. Different time of user experience has made this app special. Such as calendars, animations, reports etc. 

AutonomyUP provides an easy and intuitive activity sequencer and scheduler for you and your children, focused on successfully completing all your daily tasks in a fun way - even the toughest ones! Enjoy our 30-day free trial offer by downloading today.

Autonomy Up